Second only to the post war Hungarian forint (worth 400 octillion pengo) the Zimbabwean dollar is the world’s most devalued currency (as a quick read of the wikipedia article will confirm – in fact, it has been redenominated four times and was effectively abolished last October. I knew things were bad since Mugabe repossessed all private land, but I don’t think I’d realised the extent to which the currency was destroyed. There’s probably a lesson or two in there somewhere.
I found this via the rather excellent Futility Closet blog which I Stumbled Upon.
When you can’t guess any more, check out the video version or the transcript at
I see Apple have taken down their store ready to add the various new goodies being announced at the Apple worldwide developer conference (WWDC) such as iPhone 3GS, 13″ MacBook Pro and $29 Snow Leopard upgrade. (I just watched the news break live at Kind of surprising they can’t just directly switch the store over to new content at the flick of a switch. Or that they would choose not to do that.
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