I recently received the attached email (names blurred out to protect those concerned)
In it, I am told I can get a free licence for a product if I add a link to my blog. While it’s nice that somebody thinks my blog has a value, this is definitely not the way to get me to endorse a product.And you may be able to increase the likelihood of me writing about it with some reward – if we’re already at step 4 – ie I’ve decided I like it and am open to sharing my experience.
But the reward has to be of value. A license for something I’ve not used is not a reward. And this email gives me no incentive to care about the product.
Read MoreI am not sure what is up with Google Maps this week. Usually its public transport directions are very accurate and incredibly useful. But both Mrs Alex and I have experienced some really weird directions from the site this week.
The first image is one Mrs Alex found, suggesting she walk a massive loop to almost back where she started, to catch a bus to a metro station she would have walked past, which is in the wrong direction anyway! The second image is one I got when I asked for directions to a location near McGill University. Apparently I should hop on the metro to McGill, then walk all the way back home, and walk back to McGill again. Crazy! I suspect heads will roll at Google when they notice this regression bug :-)Posted via email from Bowyer’s Bite-size Blogettes
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I’m a keen swimmer. But that doesn’t mean the same thing in North America as it does in the UK, or even to everyone back home, so I better explain – I love to go to the swimming pool, cruise up and down at my own pace and let my mind wander. If I’m feeling particularly indulgant I might even relax in the jacuzzi (spa/hottub) or steam room afterwards. I’m not a competitive swimmer and have no interest in lap times or personal bests. For me, it’s a pleasant thing to do that has the happy side effect of giving me some regular exercise.
Which is why it’s really sad that I haven’t been swimming in Montréal since I moved here 9 months ago. The thing is, in Canada, it’s not so easy to just “go swimming”.
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I’m a keen swimmer. But that doesn’t mean the same thing in North America as it does in the UK, or even to everyone back home, so I better explain – I love to go to the swimming pool, cruise up and down at my own pace and let my mind wander. If I’m feeling particularly indulgant I might even relax in the jacuzzi (spa/hottub) or steam room afterwards. I’m not a competitive swimmer and have no interest in lap times or personal bests. For me, it’s a pleasant thing to do that has the happy side effect of giving me some regular exercise.
Which is why it’s really sad that I haven’t been swimming in Montréal since I moved here 9 months ago. The thing is, in Canada, it’s not so easy to just “go swimming”.
Read MoreWouldn’t you like to see this sort of thinking applied to social policy? (from the same people as the piano subway steps)
Almost every piece of TV, movie, news or documentary footage you see has been edited to try and make a particular point. This video illustrates quite convincingly the power of editing and why you should hesitate to form judgements unless you’re watching live unedited footage.